The Southeastern Massachusetts Coordinating Association Inc.
Promoting Square & Round Dancing

From The President Archive Page
Last Updated 06/19/2020

"Message from the President"
April 01, 2019

 I would like to happily introduce SEMCA's new President Don Davis. He brings with him many years of experience. He is currently the President of Town Howlers SDC, He was Vice Chairman of NESRDC in RI. He is past President of the RI  Federation of Square Dance and Round Dance Clubs, just to name a few. I have enjoyed the many years our paths have crossed and look forward to working with him.

Please join me in welcoming Don and his wife Marlene to the SEMCA family. 


PS his contact information will be on the SEMCA calendar

"Message from the President"
April 10, 2018

It's that time of year again, time for the election process for SEMCA. In the past few years SEMCA has struggled to get board members. Each year, we are concerned that this is the year that SEMCA no longer is....

Last year, I was fortunate enough to get a Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer when those positions desperately needed to be filled. Sadly, I find us again in the position where support for the board is needed. As always, the Presidents position is open. While I will continue to do it if need be, I truly believe in my heart it is long past the time when someone else should step in and take a turn. Both our Secretary and Treasurer have had to step down, so we are looking for someone to fill those positions as well. Our Vice President, Pat Anthony, holds strong, thankfully. She has been an immense source of support to me and SEMCA and I am grateful she will continue in her position.

As all of you well know, SEMCA, or any organization, cannot run a board with the previously mentioned positions unfilled. I spoke truthfully earlier when I stated we are concerned that this is the year that SEMCA no longer is. I am reaching out to all dancers. SEMCA, now more than ever, needs your support. Please contact me if you are interested in joining the board.

Until the next time-
SEMCA President

"Message from the President"
April 1, 2018


From Dick Severance, Square Dance Foundation of New England:

Having spent 30 years as Archive Director of the Square Dance Foundation of New England when I retired a few years ago I took on the task of writing a book on the history of square dancing. I got numerous background stories from details that weave an interesting and magical story from our massive SDFNE collection that tells the complete square and round dance history. I was amazed to find its major impact on this countries lifestyle that has extended around the world. It is now available through createspace, an Amazon company. You can find it by going to Amazon – Books under history. Type in the title...A Step in Time – The American Square Dance.

Any commission I receive from the sale of the book I will be donating to the SDFNE to further the preservation of the square dance. Should you decide to order I hope that you will enjoy learning about how it came about and the long lasting friendships that we have all shared.

Until the next time-
SEMCA President

"Message from the President"
December 03, 2017

Things they are a changin...

Recently I sent out an email to the community with questions about the Harvest Ball and King & Queen Ball. I received quite a few thoughts and ideas. I was also invited to meet with OCCA to discuss SEMCA's concerns. With many suggestions in hand, I brought the information collected to the SEMCA E-board. We discussed the many options offered over the course of two meetings and recently made some changes.
We have decided to hold one dance a year. That will be our dance in the Spring. As well, due to a lesser and lesser response to the King & Queen Ceremony we have decided to discontinue it. Effective May 6, 2018 our dance will be known as the SEMCA Ball. Same callers, same dancers, same fun, but without the K&Q Ceremony.
Flyers are out now (look here on our website) so put the date in your calendar.
Until the next time-
SEMCA President


"Message from the President"
August 24, 2017
Where is it now?
Does anyone know where the big SEMCA banner is?
The banner was last seen at...
Oak Point during the King & Queen Ball in 2016
Please contact any SEMCA board member if you can solve this mystery

SEMCA President


"Message from the President"
August 6, 2017

There is an upcoming SEMCA meeting this month-August 22nd.
On the agenda is the subject of our dances, the Harvest Ball and the King & Queen Ball. In both cases interest and attendance dropped considerably. This is an attempt to find out why, and what we can do about it...

Please, we are looking to you the dancers, to help. Give us some idea of your thoughts on the dances, the dates, the location, the fee, the K&Q ceremony. Any suggestions or comments are welcome. I would like to bring your input to the next meeting.

Reach out to your SEMCA rep or email me at lmb65@cox.net

Thank you in advance for your input


SEMCA President

"Message from the President"
January 24, 2017

Thoughts and prayers...
Go out to the family of Ed Fafard who passed away at the beginning of this month. Ed was a long time supporter of SEMCA, the last position he held before retiring was Vice President. His many years of support and contributions to SEMCA will be missed.

As I have mentioned in a few posts these last months, SEMCA has been struggling in its Executive Board. I was getting very worried. I know how hard it is to find people willing to take on (in most cases) yet another commitment. I put it out to the board to get the word out. The concern, MY concern, was that if we did not find anyone to fill the key positions needed to run the organization we would have to dissolve...
Thankfully, we are blessed to have dancers within the community who are willing to take on just one more thing.
Carol Cerreto joins SEMCA as its Treasurer. She brings with her a wealth (no pun intended) of experience and a quiet but strong demeanor. I have worked with Carol for many years and am very happy and grateful to have her on board.
Vice President Pat Anthony stepped up and took on the role of Secretary. She very graciously agreed to hold on to both positions until such a time that we could fill one or the other. We were very lucky to have Pat join the board last year, and even more so now that she is willing to step up and take on so much to keep SEMCA running.
Having said that, Pat held both positions for approximately 4 days before I was approached by Joan Lein. I have worked with Joan on both the club level and the organization level for many years. She is another dancer who comes to us with years of experience and a strong desire to help. Due to an error on my part (aka I forgot quite honestly) Joan had asked to join the board as Secretary when Jean Stahl stepped down. When she approached me again at a dance this Saturday I suggested she speak with Pat, so that between the two of them they could decide which position they would prefer for themselves. I had an answer in less than 2 minutes. Joan joins as Vice President, and Pat will continue on as Secretary.
I cannot tell you how blessed I feel SEMCA is to have so many new people on its board - strong hard experienced workers who will bring new ideas and perspectives to the group.
So it's a new year for SEMCA, and we begin it solidly.

Lisa Breault
SEMCA President

"Message from the President"
December 29, 2016

As I am sure many of you have heard, SEMCA has had many changes in the past couple of months that greatly impact our organization. Our Vice President and Calendar Editor/Webmaster retired. Thankfully we were very fortunate to have three people step up and take on these roles.

We face that situation again, this time in the form of Secretary. SEMCA's Secretary has retired. Jean Stahl was a long time member of SEMCA and served as Secretary for many years. Among her many responsibilities with SEMCA was running the King & Queen Ball. Her wealth of knowledge and experience made her invaluable to SEMCA. When I came on board as a very new and inexperienced President it was Jean who supported and guided me. Regretfully...but respectfully I have accepted her resignation. Again SEMCA faces the difficult job of filling such big shoes.

With Ron Foster's recent passing the Treasurer's position has opened up. I count SEMCA very fortunate to so quickly have someone step up and volunteer. I will be bringing this to the board for approval, but feel confident that all will go as planned.

SEMCA is financially secure, but is struggling in its Executive board, and needs its members' support now more than ever. I am reaching out to you, as a SEMCA delegate/member, to please help me get the word out. Send this to your clubs email list, bring it up at your clubs meeting, announce it a dance. Any way you can think of to reach the dancers would be helpful and appreciated. As always I can be reached at lmb65@cox.net

Thank you for the many years of support

Lisa Breault
SEMCA President





  "Message from the President"
October 26, 2016



It is with great sadness that I tell you Ron Foster, (President of DoSiDoers, & Treasurer for SEMCA), passed away this afternoon 10/25/2016.



I know he fought bravely and with a very strong, positive attitude. He knew he had a tough road ahead, but was determined to do everything he could to get through it.



Through SEMCA Ron became a trusted friend, and someone whom I relied on greatly.



His work for SEMCA was important, but more than that his friendship and support will be greatly missed by everyone that knew him.



Until next time



"Message from the President"
September 18, 2016


I am looking to have our next meeting on October 18, 2016 at 7:00pm
First Congregational Church of Rockland, 12 Church Street, Rockland, MA 02370.
Please make an effort to come, we have a number of things we need to discuss.
The calendars will be available at that time.
Please get the word out, and RSVP to me as to whether you will be there...

Until next time







 "Message from the President"
April 15, 2016


 My introduction to Bucky happened around about 2000. I was taking my first lesson with the multi cycle program at Abington Grange. The gentleman who was teaching the class was a very tall, thin, white haired man with a soft voice and a big smile. He spoke of how he was covering for another caller. He was very happy to work with new dancers he said…and then proceeded to go into what I have come to refer to as his storyteller mode. I had met Bucky Donaher.
Bucky was an entertainer. He loved to share stories from his past square dance experiences and from the many times he had taught large groups of kids (scouts, school functions) how to square dance. Whenever I would run into him I would ask "how are you?" With a soft smile, and a twinkle in his eyes he would lean in for a hug, and say "better now that you're here." Time and time again I would hear that response, to myself and to others…and yet there was a genuine fondness in his voice that made a person smile, and know that he cared.
We were very privileged to have Bucky visit us at last years Harvest Ball. Little did we know then that it would be the last time many of us saw him. A little older and a little quieter maybe, but those eyes still twinkled and he was just as affectionate as he always was.
He was a one of a kind. He contributed so much of his heart and soul to square dancing, but more importantly to its people. I will miss him, as I know many of you will.


Until next time



"Message from the President"
January 18, 2016

I recently came across a piece of history/trivia about one of SEMCA's earliest events.
In light of last night's play off game (1-16-16) I thought I would share this with you all...

In August 1978 there were over 500 square dancers that performed at the half time show at the Patriot's pre season game with the Kansas City Chiefs.

Until next time



"Message from the President"
November 8, 2015

We have a new addition to the SEMCA E board. Please join SEMCA in welcoming Patricia (Pat) Anthony as Vice President. This will be the 3rd new person joining the board and I have to be honest when I say I am very excited. This will hopefully bring a new energy and new ideas to the table, something I believe SEMCA has needed for a long while now.

Also a quick but heartfelt thank you to all who joined us on November 1st for the Harvest Ball. We had 7 squares dancing! It was wonderful to see so many people dancing and enjoying the afternoon. I cannot thank the Callers and Cuers enough for the time they donate to this (and the K&Q Ball) dance year after year. Your support of SEMCA is truly appreciated. A big thank you to the dancers who continue to support us in many different ways.

Lastly it was a wonderful surprise to see longtime Caller and supporter of square dancing Bucky Donaher. He spent the afternoon with us and reconnected with a lot of old friends. His visit topped off a great dance.

Until next time



 "Message from the President"
October 11 2015

Times...they are a changin!
We have had some recent E Board changes. Due to health concerns our Vice President Louise & Ed Fafard have retired from SEMCA. I truly appreciate their support to me personally and to SEMCA over the years. They will be missed.

In addition, our long time calendar editor Bob Preble has decided to retire. He has been with SEMCA for many, many years and has been invaluable to the organization. Bob did the job of two, creating the calendars quarterly, and maintaining our website. Bob joined us as calendar editor at a time when no one else would. He was with us for many years when he made the choice to retire (the first time). When circumstances within the committee changed Bob stepped up, rejoining SEMCA as calendar editor. He has been very committed and giving to this organization. I believe it a fact that SEMCA would not be here today without his tireless efforts. We are ever grateful for the time, work, and dedication he has given us.

We find ourselves very fortunate to have found two people that have agreed to step in and fill such large shoes. Paul Barnum has agreed to take on the role of calendar editor and Rick Hutchinson joins us as webmaster. Both gentlemen come to us with years of experience and much enthusiasm. Please join SEMCA in welcoming Paul and Rick.

Until next time,